Scholarly Dissemination
A questioning attitude: Moving from questions to answers
Sentara nurses pursue a spirit of inquiry. We advance nursing knowledge through research and evaluation of evidence-based findings to improve care practices. The desire to go above and beyond for one patient inspires us to do the same for all. We instinctively question if there might be safer, more effective, less costly intervention for our patients. Sentara Healthcare galvanizes nurses to develop their questions into possibilities and challenges them to research promising options or apply evidence-based findings, with the ultimate goal of advancing nursing practice. Congratulations to the nurse researchers who saw their questions become answers in 2019.
Sentara nurses Gina Yost and Chandra Hubbard-Wright were among co-authors of “A Randomized Trial Comparing Outcomes of Three Types of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters,” published in Journal of Nursing Care Quality, January/March 2020. Additional authors included Dr. Madura and nurse authors Dr. Galang, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Yoder, Dr. Morgan, and Dr. Zimbro.
Manager, Process Improvement, Sentara RMH Medical Center
“Through three jobs with two promotions, I was determined to continue. This project was rewarding because it was nurse-initiated, evidence-based research. Our nurses were so excited to pinpoint our best option for increasing nurse and patient safety, and it kept us going through various roadblocks.”

2019 Sentara Nursing Scholarly Work
Sentara Healthcare leaders commend our nurses’ research for its ability to improve the care we deliver today and into the future. Invitations to publish and present our findings expand our reach to improve nursing beyond our health system.

A NURSE’S PERSPECTIVE: Chandra Hubbard-Wright, BSN, RN, CRNI,
Manager, Patient Care Services, Sentara CarePlex Hospital
“Before this, I didn’t have research experience, and here I was, a principal investigator. When I worried that I had no idea what I was doing, nurses gave me encouragement. We supported each other to see this research through and overcome barriers.”